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Scarab Paper - F.L.A.G. African Curio, Gift and Souvenir Suppliers, African Wholesaler representatives of handmade crafts

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SCARAB PAPER is recycled handmade paper incorporating the sanitized fibre from the dung of elephants. Every sheet of paper varies in thickness, texture and colour and each piece has it’s own original beauty. Another unique quality is the fact that wildlife art is printed on the paper with a very special, old printing press from a bygone era. SCARAB is the only company in Africa printing on the elephant dung paper on a commercial basis.

Today, SCARAB  paper’s range of products is extensive and is constantly being revised.  These lightweight, affordable and portable souvenirs are created for the local visitor, the international tourist market and those interested in African curio. These art works are totally African and in pace with our town’s philosophy of being a SLOW TOWN – still “handmade” and still “very green”.

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