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FLAGSA would like to place the business arrangement on a formal footing after six months trial of the product range. During the first six months it will allow both parties to assess performance, set up systems, website etc. Thereafter a contract has to be entered into by both parties. The contract should include the definitions of the area in which FLAGSA shall service, terms of payment of commissions and due date each month for commission payment.
Should you not have a contract document, you may download a generic contract and amend it according to your requirements.
Some things to know about the contract
What are the deliverables?
Please view our policies so additional clauses to the contract are not in conflict to the contract.
Term of contract
This should be one year and automatically renewable on anniversary unless prior notice is given. Such notice should not exceed 60 days.
Please note: Collection of unpaid accounts is not a responsibility of FLAGSA.
Generic Contract
Download document
It is recommended you download the MSWord version unless you have PDF deconstruction software such as eXpert PDF, Nitro PDF professional, Docudesk writer.
Amend and return via email
Please amend as required and email back to FLAGSA - Please do not fax as our Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software does not capture some of the formatting.
Next Steps
FLAGSA will review the amended document and may make further amendments and the document will be sent via email back to you for final approval. Once approved, pen can be put to paper and the document should be sent via registered mail.
FLAG will sign
FLAGSA will sign the contract and provide a certified copy of the document (This will be scanned and emailed back to you).