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The Plan
To reduce the carbon footprint of our operation by researching technologies and a bit of plain old common sense. Looking at the cost of implementation together with the carbon emissions taken to achieve the objective.
The following were addressed:
Energy efficiency
Consumption of materials
Disposal of technologies
Green Marketing
Green Procurement
Carbon offsetting
Recycle, recommission for second life
Selecting Apple® as a partner for PC processors, by refurbishing our old units by giving them a second life, in turn to disadvantaged communities such as schools. HP have supplied us with energy efficient EPA rated LCD displays with lite saver technology. Reducing electricity consumption. Hard drives shut down automatically whilst the servers park awaiting to be awoken by any of the terminals. In addition the use of Apple iPads to show catalogues.
Profit V Environment
We consider doing business in an eco-friendly manner, a form of voluntary taxation and is built into our costs of doing business. Environment first - profit margin second.
Changing the way we do business
We have gone paperless, by use of our servers and electronic storage. Faxes and documents are in the most part sent electronically to customers and principals. reducing the need for toner and paper. The reduction of this use has enabled us to cross-subsidise other environmental changes in our organisation both short, medium and long term.
Food for thought
We take seriously, "cause and effect", into account in what we do. From petrol consumption to the cost of doing the business of environmental management. A business cannot simply carry on polluting and consuming indefinitely. Modernising the method of doing business can impact a business but if implemented correctly can produce long term savings both to the business and environment. Environmental awareness is not a catch phrase or "the in thing", it is, "the main thing"!
Proactive recycling
Re-use of packing materials, giving them a second life before recycling. Bubble wrap re-used, foam chips and beads, boxes reused. By doing this we avoid dumping by consumption. Notes placed into parcels we send urge the receiver to recycle the packaging.
Carbon Footprint
Our Carbon footprint has been reduced by 32% PA. Since 1948 carbon emissions have increased from 300 parts per million to 382 parts per million and is climbing. The increase although small compared to the parts per million has resulted in global warming - the direct consequence of this is climate change. Climate change affects our business therefore it serves in our interest to reduce our footprint. Since one of the main generators of carbon is electricity generation, our every effort is to save electricity by use of energy efficient lighting, electronic systems and learning also to switch-off those items on standby. We exhort all who read this to become proactively involved in bringing about change in their environment.