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Purpose of policies
In order to standardise across the number of agencies we represent, a set of standard policies are explained to principals and prospective principals.
Commission payment policy
Commission payments are due monthly within the first 4 days of the month. Only by special fixed arrangement are commissions payable at a later period within the month. Non-payment of commissions will be deemed as a breach and open to any action FLAGSA may deem necessary.
Incorrectly supplied or shortage/overage policy
Any goods supplied incorrectly to the customer and collected by us for return to the Principal, will be kept until sufficient items warrant postage back to the Principal at Principals cost.
Damaged goods return policy
Same as incorrectly supplied goods.
Samples return policy
All samples remain the property of the supplier, return of samples is at the suppliers cost.
Samples sent from overseas countries are subjext to courier and custom charges. Please note we are not responsible for payment in anyway whatsoever. Principal shall be responsible for all cartage and SARS clearance.
Non-circumvention policy
In terms of direct orders to Principals by our customers commission is due and payable. Customers sometimes refer to the Prinicpals invoice and de facto place the order with the supplier and not the agent. All direct orders must be reported to us in monthly commission statement.
Notification of price increase
45 days notice of increase in pricing, 30 days for us to adjust pricing on our order system and to notify customers. This is in line with the National Consumer Protection Act of 2008 effective October 2010.
Secure Electronic Documentation Interchange (DEI), 128 bit encryption requirement
The South African Revenue Service require that all Invoices, Statements be encrypted to 128 bit encryption, set non amendable. Failure to encrypt electronic invoices/Statements will result in SARS declaring these non valid documents. All invoices to customers sent electronically must contain the words Electronic Invoice. Customers will have the right to refuse payment should the electronic invoice not meet these criterium. This is not a FLAGSA™ policy but that of SARS.